Parution : Roman Provincial Coinage VII.2: From Gordian I to Gordian III (AD 238–244)
Le British Museum Press et la Bibliothèque nationale de France font paraître le volume VII.2 des Roman Provincial Coinage (RPC) qui couvre toutes les monnaies provinciales romaines émises sous les règnes de Gordien I, Gordien II, Pupienus, Balbinus et Gordien III (238 à 244 ap. J.-C.). Il comprend plus de 3 750 descriptions de types et plus de 25 000 pièces, émises par 128 villes. La courture géographique s’étend de la Dacie à l’Égypte, sans la province d’Asie qui a été publiée précédemment dans RPC VII.1
- Mairat, Jérôme
- Spoerri Butcher, Marguerite
- Amandry, Michel
- Bland, Roger
- Butcher, Kevin
- Nurpetlian, Jack
- Peter, Ulrike
Résumé de l’éditeur
The period covered by this new volume of the RPC series represents a pivotal period in Roman history, with the political crisis of AD 238, the year of the six emperors (Maximinus, Gordian I, Gordian II, Pupienus, Balbinus and Gordian III), and renewed hostilities in the Balkans and the East. These incursions resulted in a military expedition against the Sasanians, during which Gordian III died in early 244. Though the period studied is short, coin production was at its peak, especially in Thrace, Moesia Inferior, but also Lycia, where 20 cities minted coins for the first and only time since the early 1st century AD. These coinages therefore provide a unique insight into local politics, culture and religion at a time when written historical sources are scarce. The present catalogue includes 3,895 types and 27,994 coins, minted by 128 cities in a geographical area extending from the Balkans to Egypt. It also provides detailed introductions to each coinage, as well as five general chapters providing a wider historical and numismatic context.
This volume presents for the first time an authoritative and systematic account of the coins minted in the Roman provinces between AD 238 and 244 (except the province of Asia, previously covered in volume VII.1), and shows how these coins can be regarded as an integral part of the coinage minted under the Roman emperors. The book gives a complete picture of the material, thereby not only meeting the needs of numismatists but also providing an essential reference for historians, archaeologists and other students of the Roman empire.
The introductory essays and extensive catalogue section are followed by indexes and an illustration of every major issue listed.
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Historical background
- Chapter 2 The Emperors and the Imperial Family
- Chapter 3 Reverse Designs and Legends
- Chapter 4 Production and Circulation
- Chapter 5 Denominations
- Catalogue
- Indexes
- Plates
Informations pratiques
- Éditeur : London : British Museum Press ; Paris : Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Date de parution : 2022
- Description matérielle : 1 vol. (1000 p.) ; 28 cm
- Collection : (Roman Provincial Coinage ; 7.2).
- ISBN 978-0714118307 (rel.) : 195 £
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Olivier Jacquot (20 octobre 2022). Parution : Roman Provincial Coinage VII.2: From Gordian I to Gordian III (AD 238–244). Carnet de recherche. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse